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Business model driven by business performance. It can be used two ways:

You can create a business plan using this model

In the role of managerial tool driving business

  • It works in a local sequence: Cause analysis + Correction of competencies + Action plan
  • Can continuously remove the cause of low performance
  • Leads to continuous growth of skills and knowledge of people and the organisation
  • Lowers business administration to the effective minimum.
Results - Activity - Competence - Activity - Results


Model CORA = 4 steps negotiation

In the business practice used in two cases: In the negotiation with the client and driving of business people. We have introduced our own negotiation model, which works in four steps:
  • Description of the goal you wish to archive and why
  • Selection of questions targeting the opportunity
  • Opposition reaction expectation
  • Arguments leading to the desired goal.
Training of this method is built on the rule: If you want to achieve the goal you must be able to describe the situation. The base of it is an experience. This method is executable only if the person already possesses negotiation skills. Based on described situation you can identify the goal and deduce the chain of solutions with the CORA method.

Model od Development Pyramid

For you to feel the practical impact of our services we use our own model, which is build on the following principals:

The business is a performance sport discipline, which according to us requires a performance approach to human resources. The Development Pyramid designed by us works in three levels and its philosophy says: First you need firm foundations in form of tools, then leadership techniques and at last the work with personality development.

Why this logic? We would like to invest into personal development / usually targeting soft skills/ after people firmly know their techniques and possess the right business tools. It is a proven strategy in both education and consultancy.
The author of this model, ab connectia s.r.o. company director Gerhard Mendrok, used his model of Development Pyramid during a crisis management in an insurance company in 2005.

ab connectia  - your partner in building of a business network

Stavba obchodního týmu, budování obchodního týmu, hunting obchodníku, headhunting, recruitment, náborová kampan, výberová rízení, Assessment centre, development centre, obsazování obchodních pozic, obchodník, manažer, budování obchodních sítí, multi level marketing, sítový prodej, projekt management, projektove rizeni, staff training, vyukove modely, business network, building a business, growing a business, franchise, stavba filialek, lidsky kapital, rozšíření obchodníi sitě, obchodni výkonnost, corporate plan, Prince 2, ITIL, Scrum, VAKAV, RACAR, poradenství a vzdělávání, obchodní outsourcing, infrastructure

ab connectia s.r.o.
Kateřina Mendrok, mobile: +420 739 036 527
e-mail: katerina.mendrok@abconnectia.cz

ab connectia Slovensko s.r.o.
Matěj Kováč , mobile: +421 903 835 676
e-mail: m.kovac@abconnectia.sk

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